Trade CFDs on 70+ FX pairs and benefit from tight spread and fast order execution.

What are CFDs ?

Contract for difference (CFDs) as a whole, consists of many types of markets, including Spot CFDs, Future derivatives, Forward Derivatives, and finally the CFDs derivatives market, which is the most popular for retail clients. All CFDs Trading transactions combined make up the largest and most liquid financial market, with an average daily volume of over $5 trillion. It is worth mentioning that the spot CFDs market is also an OTC market dominated by the large international banks.

The CFDs derivatives market is made up of buyers and sellers, the main participants being large international banks, who place orders via electronic trading systems. This market is traded OTC (not traded on any regulated exchange) and as such there is no uniform price but each of the main international banks is providing its own quotes with the spot market acting as the point of reference for the quotes provided.

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